Guidance on Satellite Housing of Animals (Companion to UW Policy UW-4101)
See policy UW-4101, for more instructions.
Physical Requirements for Satellite Housing of Animals:
- Confirmation of at least 10 complete air changes per hour in the housing room (excluding aquatic species)
- Temperature range for housing of animals that conforms to the Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
- An automated 24-hour system of monitoring temperature, with a notification feature if range is exceeded
- Species-appropriate light:dark cycle
- Proper storage of feed and water
- Suitable physical security of the housing area
Training Requirements for Laboratory Personnel Caring for Animals:
- Initial training of laboratory personnel by RARC and/or animal care staff members is required. Training topics are:
- Appropriate husbandry practices for the species being housed, including required daily health-checks and proper documentation of husbandry procedures
- Animal care requirements for weekends, holidays, and campus closures
- Sick animal reporting methods
- Training of new staff by experienced lab personnel must be completed and documented prior to new staff providing care for animals in laboratory housing
Occupational Health and Safety Requirements:
- Appropriate procedures to prevent exposure to dangerous chemicals, biohazards, or radiation
- Appropriate caging and practices to minimize allergen exposure
Veterinary Access Requirements:
- Veterinary staff will have access to animals in laboratory housing to allow for inspection and health assessment
- A laboratory representative must be available to be on site at the housing location at veterinary direction
- Regular veterinary staff monitoring will occur for laboratories that house animals for more than 24 consecutive hours.
Updated 04/14/2023